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Check for free before deciding if you want to buy!

this is the best

way to prepare 

your exam a1-c2!(CEFRL)

With: Artificial Intelligence / Dynamic Learning / Spaced Repetition / Game Based Learning / Gamification

Research shows that lots of students struggle learning a foreign language because they lack essential knowledge; such as vocabulary, verbs and the dreaded “false friends” etc.
It’s hard to tell what you still need to learn. Nobody knows – not even the student or their teacher. Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Luckily, our artificial intelligence system can easily solve that problem.

Exciting, easy and totally free!

Check for free and then decide if you want to buy!

So how does Check2Learn work:

Phase 1: Free checking

This is a simple knowledge check. Our artificial intelligence collects any gaps in your knowledge and puts it into a personal database. Welcome in the 21st century!

Phase 2: Learning

Now everything you need to learn is in one place. The artificial intelligence doesn’t make you repeat what you already know. Our modern methods will make all the difference; learning will no longer be a chore.

Phase 3: Activation

This phase is basically learning through video games – fun! Game-based learning is an efficient way of memorising what you have learnt and ensures you will never forget anything.

Phase 4: Spaced Repetition

After you have learned all that stuff, you don’t want to forget a thing. Our solution to this problem is spaced repetition, where forgetting becomes a thing of the past.


This is different. Better. Easier.

We currently offer excellent learning programmes to the Spanish market to help students prepare for their English B1 exam. All learning follows the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Soon we will widen our scope and offer courses on other languages.

FREE Checking Before Paying!

With every single learning programme we offer, you can check your knowledge first completely free of charge. And: It’s hassle free.
If our system detects any big gaps in your knowledge, it will recommend you to buy the learning programme.

Learning Programmes for A1, A2 and B1 etc.

We strongly recommend starting with our FREE checking phase to see if you have any gaps at A1 level before working your way up through the following levels. So you do not miss one single word! By the end, you will know all the vocabulary required for B1.

The 927 words for the A1 exam - 10 €

In A1, you will learn the vocabulary for this level in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

The 1,353 words for the A2 exam - 20 €

In A2, you will build on your knowledge and learn the vocabulary for this level in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

The 1,779 words for the B1 exam - 30 €

In B1, the final stage of preparing for your exams, you will complete your studying by learning the vocabulary for your B1 exams in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


🚀 Check your knowledge for FREE then buy our combined package for only 40€!
This package not only saves you 20€ but also gives you access to the complete vocabulary required for your B1 exam.

The 80 irregular verbs that cover almost 90% of their use - 10,00 €

Regular verbs have three basic forms: the present, the simple past and the past participle. These verbs in the simple past and past participle always end in -ed. But, there are hundreds of irregular verbs in English that don’t follow this rule. We recommend learning these 80 essential irregular verbs!

The 40 most common spelling mistakes - 5,00 €

English spelling is challenging! In comparison, Spanish spelling seems easy as most letters only have one or two sounds and often follows the rules. English is very different, so we have compiled a list of the 40 most commonly misspelt words so that you don’t have to make that mistake.

When do we use "make" and when do we use "do"? - 5,00 €

The verb ‘hacer’ in Spanish is translated into English as ‘do’ and ‘make’, but what is the real difference between the two? Finding the difference between these expressions is essential for your B1 exam!

The 100 most important phrasal verbs for B1 - 10,00 €

Phrasal verbs are two-word phrases containing both a verb and either an adverb or a proposition. When these words are added, the meaning of the verb changes entirely. It is possible to speak English without phrasal verbs, but not knowing them makes understanding English very difficult. Phrasal verbs allow your English to sound more fluent and even native.

Learn "20 False Friends" to avoid misunderstandings - 5,00 €

The dreaded false friends…These aren’t the same as fake friends, like the person who didn’t like your new profile picture on Facebook. These false friends are words which are spelt the same or even similarly in Spanish and English, but have very different meanings.


🚀 Check your knowledge for FREE then buy all eight programmes for only 50€!

This package not only saves you 45€ but also gives you access to all 8 programmes mentioned above including all the vocabulary required for the levels A1, A2 and B1 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

 How long do you have access to the programme for?

Each programme is available for a whole year. But, with our excellent learning methods, it takes nowhere near a year to complete the course. If you wish to start learning later on, you can extend your programme access for another year.

There are many good new approaches that should be integrated in the classroom. But it's all theory. You are the only company I know that puts these theories into practice.

M. M., Coordinator in the language school of a well-known university in Spain

There is progress in medicine, in IT and everywhere. Finally it has arrived in the classroom as well.

L.C., Student of Criminology

At first I thought this learning platform is strange. Then I realised it's not strange, it's new! And totally efficient!

A.S., Pupil

Learning like my granny is really boring. This is totally different - and it works.

P.L., Entrepreneur

With the old methods in the classroom and at home I can't remember anything and I panic before exams. Here I can remember things and recall them.

O.R., Student of IT

About Us

This sensational learning system is distributed by EDconsulting